Cost Saving in Health Care

Kevin O'Brien


Kevin O’Brien

Chief Innovation Officer
Population Health
Care Coordination

With over twenty years of strategic executive experience employing data science and healthcare informatics for tactical population health management, risk contract management, and complex care coordination, Kevin is an innovative, quality-driven, C-suite leader with end-to-end healthcare industry knowledge.

As the CEO of Partners In Care Corporation, Kevin led a 69-physician owned Care Coordination Entity, with a 330 Physician IPA and Management Services Organization. He secured business relationships for health care initiatives from Purchaser to Plan and Delivery System within the context of Fully-Insured or Self-Funded plan requirements. He cultivated multi-stakeholder relationships with Aetna, Cigna, Horizon, the NJ Health Care Quality Institute, the Center for Health Value Innovation, the Health Care Payers Coalition, Key Self-Funded Plans including the NJ State Health Benefits Program, Merck, Benefit Consultants, Pharmacy Benefit Managers, and other Key Benefit Plan Affiliates. He negotiated, acquired, and successfully managed multi-million dollar, multi-year Percent of Premium, P4P, and Quality Improvement contracts with Major Health Plans, National, Middle Market, and Taft Hartley Self-Funded accounts. All led to significant improvements in quality and ROIs ranging from 1:5:1 to 7:1. He also devised quality Indexed Shared Savings Arrangements, Percent of Premium Contract Management including the Clinical Outcomes Management and Healthcare Data Management. Interestingly, he was the first to secure, implement, and successfully manage a Full System Risk, Percent of Premium, Health Plan/Provider contract in the State Of New Jersey.

Kevin later developed a Care Coordination Entity to directly market services to health plans and self-funded plan sponsors. The Care Coordination Entity included a combination of healthcare informatics and analytical services, benefit plan recommendations, and data driven care coordination for complex patients including those with chronic diseases. He also created an integrated, SQL Server based, health benefit and clinical metric management, analytical database. This included the architecture and management of a 15-server farm and a tactical understanding of SQL Server, Microsoft Exchange Server, and Network Architecture. He then architected and deployed chronic disease management initiatives in the ambulatory care environment with sustained physician engagement.

Kevin is frequently consulted by physicians, health plans, and purchasers, interested in accountable care contracts, value-based health care, patient centered medical homes, and chronic disease management.

Currently, Kevin serves as the Chief Information Officer for a Self-Funded Plan Management company, a Senior Fellow for the New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute, a member of the NJ Quality Improvement Advisory Committee, a member of the NJ HFMA Payor and Provider Collaboration Committee, and a consultant/advisor to healthcare leaders seeking positive transformational change.

He previously served as a Board member for the Center for Health Value Innovation, a member of the Finance Committee for the United Cerebral Palsy (National), a member of Cigna’s National Healthcare Advisory Council, and a co-chair for the New Jersey’s Regional Action Coalition Nursing Initiatives Taskforce Data Workgroup.

Kevin was honored to have been the first physician organization signatory in the Nation to President Bush’s and Secretary Leavitt’s Four Cornerstones of Value-Driven Healthcare initiative and has been a steadfast advocate for transparency and patient centered care for over two decades.